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Patient Assistance Program

Have you heard about the new MVW Patient Assistance Program that can help with the cost of your vitamins? If not read on, as this outlines four important program areas: ELIGIBILITY, COVERAGE, ENROLLMENT and FULFILLMENT.

Who is ELIGIBILE for the MVW Patient Assistance Program?

  1. Persons with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (“CF”)
  2. Individuals cared for within the U.S.
  3. Patients who are insured through Medicaid, Medicare or another form of government insurance, and CF-specific multivitamins are NOT COVERED.  (Patients cannot exceed Medicaid income parameters)
  4. Patients who reside in states that DO NOT offer other state-funded programs for CF-specific multivitamins, who qualify for Medicaid coverage.
  5. The uninsured, based on financial need

What products are COVERED?

The MVW Patient Assistance Program provides qualifying patients/families three (3) bottles of multivitamins, including the cost of shipping, at $49.00 per patient, per quarter.  For adults, this $49.00 represents a 90-day supply; six months for those taking one softgel or one chewable tablet a day.  This includes both the MVW Modulator Formulation® and MVW Complete Formulation® products, including MWV ADEK Gummies®.

In addition, we have added the MVW Complete Formulation® Probiotic to the PAP.  Due to a higher standard cost, this is made available of those eligible at $69.99 for three (3) bottles.

How do I ENROLL for MVW PAP?

Enrollment is EXTREMELY EASY. Just call us at (256) 327-9830 and mention that you would like to speak to someone about MVW PAP.  One of Patient Assistance Specialists will step your through some necessary questions and quickly determine your eligibility.  Once approved, you can complete your order over the phone.

If the cost of your MVW PAP products prove to be prohibitively expensive, we have partnered with The Bonnell Foundation (TBF). TBF, a small nonprofit, provides patients and families with direct financial assistance.  You can navigate to TBF’s FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE form on The Bonnell Foundation website – the link is provided under the HELPFUL RESOURCES section of this page.

The Bonnell Foundation will provide up $49.00 per quarter for vitamin assistance and $69.99 per quarter for probiotic assistance.  If approved, Bonnell Foundation will forward MVW approved applications for product fulfillment.  Fulfillment, for those with approved applications, is provided at no cost to the patient or family.

How do I get vitamins FULFILLED?

Orders fulfilled under MVW PAP, with or without Bonnell Foundation assistance, will be shipped directly from MVW to the patient.  

Just give MVW Nutritionals a call at (256) 327-9830 with any questions you have about MVW PAP, The Bonnell Foundation or additional resources available in your area.