Vitamin D Intoxication in CF Due to Pharmacy Preparation Errors, Study Finds
Vitamin D intoxication may occur in people with cystic fibrosis (CF) due to “accidental errors made by pharmacists in preparing prescriptions”, a study has found. Indeed, some 13 patients in the study were taking a dose of vitamin D that was nearly 70 times higher than the prescribed one, according to researchers. The post Vitamin D Intoxication […]
NEW MVW Complete Formulation® PROBIOTIC
Huntsville, AL: Today, MVW Nutritionals announced the addition of a proprietary probiotic blend to its product line to support digestive health and the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. This product will be launched at the 2017 North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference. Key product attributes include: The Novel Prebiotic PreforPro® to support the growth of healthy […]
MVW Nutritionals Commits To The HealthWell Foundation Cystic Fibrosis Fund
Michael J. Walters MVW Nutritionals, Inc. (855) CF-MULTI or (855) 236-8584 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 09/12/17 Huntsville, AL: Today, MVW Nutritionals announced that it will donate $0.50 from the retail sale of each bottle of vitamins to the HealthWell Foundations Vitamin and Supplement Fund for patients affected by Cystic Fibrosis. “The recent paper and editorial published […]
NEW Patient Assistance Program
Have you heard about the NEW Patient Assistance Program that pays for vitamins? If not read on, as this outlines four important program areas: ELIGIBILITY, COVERAGE, ENROLLMENT and FULFILLMENT. • Who is ELIGIBILE for the Healthwell Foundation Patient Assistance Program? Persons with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (“CF”) Individuals cared for within the U.S. Patients […]
Vitamin D Supplements
Are you taking vitamin D pills in addition to your daily CF multivitamin? If the answer is yes, you may want to ask your CF Center about taking MVW Complete Formulation® multivitamins with higher vitamin D. The higher D products are currently available as a softgel and will soon be available as a bubble gum […]
HudsonAlpha recognized for a best-in class building
by Travis Leder TechAlabama.com The HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology has received a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, recognizing it as best-in-class for building strategies and practices. LEED certified buildings are known to save money and resources, promote renewable and clean energy, and provide positive health impacts on occupants. “When making a LEED […]
Update on Access to Multivitamins – in CANADA
by Anchalee Srisombun, Health Policy Advisor Cystic Fibrosis Canada Health Canada has informed us that AquADEKs multivitamins are no longer available in Canada because the manufacturer has ceased supply of the product to the Canadian market. Over the past year, Cystic Fibrosis Canada has been working with the manufacturer and distributer to continue supply of […]
Vitamin D
Vitamin D has long been known for it role in bone health. With optimal vitamin D your body can absorb and use calcium to keep bones and teeth strong and avoid becoming thin, brittle, and misshapen. Rickets, or bowed legs, is the result of too little vitamin D. Before milk was fortified with vitamin D […]
Vitamin A
Let’s talk about vitamins. We all know the word “vitamins,” but what does it mean? What makes a nutrient a vitamin? The definition of a vitamin is: an essential nutrient that is different from protein, carbohydrate, and fats; it occurs naturally in foods in very small amounts; it cannot be made by the body; it […]
MVW Nutritionals in Huntsville sees healthy start with introduction of supplements, vitamins for cystic fibrosis community
Lucy Berry | The Huntsville Times | October 24, 2013 HUNTSVILLE, Alabama – Just last week, Mike Walters received a phone call from a frustrated mother of a 14-year-old boy with cystic fibrosis who wouldn’t take his vitamin because the manufacturer who makes the supplement had changed the flavor. The ongoing struggle to get her […]